The GATE 2021 is organized by IIT Bombay . The Indian
Institute of Technology, Bombay on 7th August 2020 released the information
brochure for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2021 on its official
After analyzing Brochure , it is observed that some changes are done in exam pattern , exam city and also in syllabus .
Changes in exam pattern:
In GATE 2021, the candidates will also have to answer 3 types of
1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
2. Numerical Answer Type Questions (NATs)
3.Multiple Select Questions (MSQ): In this type of question more
than one option may correct among the given four options.
The division of marks among the sections has also changed as
given below:
1. Engineering Mathematics - 13 Marks
2. Subject Questions - 72 Marks
3. General Aptitude - 15 Marks
- Four more cities
Jhansi (IIT Kanpur), Dhenkanal (IIT Kharagpur), Chandrapur (IIT Bombay)
and Muzzaffarnagar (IIT Roorkee) are added as exam city for GATE 2021 On
the other hand, Pala (IIT Madras) has been removed from the list. There
are a total of 195 Indian exam cities and 5 abroad. However, there are
chances of international cities being dropped due to COVID-19 pandemic.
- GATE 2021 will be held
from February 5 to 7 and 12 to 14 as a computer based test.
- Registrations for GATE
2021 will start from September 14, 2020.
As per new rule
any candidate may appear in more than one paper.
- EC candidate may
appear in IN / PH paper
- EE candidate may
appear in IN paper
- IN candidate may appear in EC/EE/PH paper
Comparing Syllabus with previous year syllabus following changes are observed.
Changes Analysis for EC Paper:
1. Numerical Methods,
Correlation and Regression Analysis is Removed From Engineering Math.
2. FFT, Cascade
and parallel structure realization and Digital Filter design Techniques is removed from signal and system.
3. IC
Technology is removed from EDC.
4. Timer 555,
Power Amplifier, sinusoidal oscillator removed from ADC.
5. PLAs, PLDs
and 8085 are removed and Computer system architecture added in Digital electronics.
TDMA removed and CRC code added in Communication
Electrostatics is removed and Circular waveguide is added in EMT
8. No other major changes are found.
Changes Analysis for EE Paper:
1. Numerical
Methods and Transform Theory are removed from Engineering math.
2. Graph Theory
is removed from Electric circuit.
3. RMS and Avg
value calculation for periodic waveform is added in signal and system
4. 8085 is
5. No other major changes are found.
Changes Analysis for IN Paper:
1. EMT and
Machines added.
2. Source and
effect of noise and interference in electronics added in Analog circuit.
3. Mass
spectrometer and Spectro photometer added in communication and optical
4. No other
major changes are found.