Intrensic Semiconductor :
These are semiconductor which are obtained in pure form without any impurity. These are the material of group IV of element of periodic table.
Example: Si , Ge.
Expression for Band gap Energy :
Here , Eg0= 0.785 ev for Germinium and 1.21 ev for Silicon
α= 2.23 x10-4 ev/K for Germinium and 3.6x10-4 ev/K for Silicon.
From above equation we can conclude that on increasing temperature the energy band gap of semiconductor material decreases.
Carrier Concentration
In intrinsic semiconductor concentration of electron is equal to the concentration of holes.
i.e, n=p=ni
Variation of ni with Temperature
Where A is constant .
From above equation it is clear that
It means on increasing the Temperature the intrinsic concentration of material increases.